Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Fun Weekend with My Loves!!

Let me begin this post by thanking everyone for your kind words regarding my "accident." It has literally been a pain and I am so ready to be back to my "old" self--but this weekend proved to be a lot of fun even if I am moving at a snail's pace!

The nurse came out to the house and I had physical therapy on Friday, which both the nurse and P.T. said they think that I am doing very well for being a week and a half out from the accident. Friday night, Chris and I had a last minute date night and went to John Mineo's! It was a great way to celebrate Chris's upcoming 33rd birthday (next weekend!) and a hospital-free week.  My mom said that she would keep the kids for us for the night, since we weren't able to go on our Chicago mini-vacay. Hopefully we will get to make the trip up some time in the near future--but for now our dinner together (alone) was very nice and the food was delicious, as always!

Saturday morning, Chris and I got up and went to my orthopedist appointment-which was great. The doc said that he thinks my leg is healing nicely and suggested I go to a plastic surgeon to have her check it out in terms of some of the area that is dented in--yuck, I know! We picked the kiddos up after the appointment and went with my mom to the tux shop for Brady and Chris to get measured for the wedding. Brady was so cute with a little tux jacket on and I can't wait to see him with the real thing on for the wedding on June 9th! I already know that Chris will look great in his-since I've seen him in tuxes many times over the past 11 years! After the tux fitting, Chris, Brady, Aubrey and I went to a few car dealerships to look at (drum roll, please) minivans! :) I know they are a little corny, but I am SUPER excited about getting a minivan!! :) :) We just have to figure out which will be the best fit for our family. Saturday night, we relaxed at home, enjoyed some Chipotle and that was pretty much it--I still have to take it pretty easy, since the pain is still between an eight and nine on the ten point scale :( ! I can't wait for it to get better-the healing process is already taking too long for me!

On Sunday, the "grown ups" and I, went to church and Brady and Aubrey went to Sunday school and the nursery, respectively. After church, my leg was on fire and Chris dropped Aubrey and I off at home where we snuggled and took a nap together, while the boys went to the grocery store. After our nap, I got snapshot happy and took a ton of pics of Aubrey and Brady, after his nap. Chris spent a chunk of Sunday researching minivans and I took some pics of Aubrey and Chris on the internet. Sunday ended with Chevy's with my Mom (my Dad was in Vegas for my brother's bachelor party this weekend) and watching TV with Chris and Aubrey, after Brady went to bed.

 Tomorrow, I head to my general practitioner to have my follow-up for my leg (advised by hospitalist to follow-up) and then I have physical therapy! This week we are hoping to have a chance to test drive some minivans!! I am looking forward to a week that I hope begins to bring me some relief.

 Bonus: One of the best moments of this weekend happened about an hour ago-we were saying our nightly prayers with our son when he looked up at us and said "God bless you. God bless you, Mommy. God bless you, Daddy." It was absolutely AWESOME!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Things You Do for Your Kids (aka Mommy Got Run Over By a Honda)

It's been over a week since I last posted and A LOT has happened. Looking back over the past few months I have been asking myself would I change some things? It would have been nice to not have gone through all of the surgeries and test stuff that my body has been through since the beginning of February, but it has definitely made me a stronger person...and perhaps given me more of a sense of humor--especially when it comes to other things happening to me, even if they seem a bit traumatic.

Before I begin writing about what happened last Wednesday afternoon, I would like to ask all of my fellow bloggers and parents out there--what would you do if you were in my situation?

Last Wednesday, Chris and I had discussed going to look at cars in the evening with Brady and Aubrey. We are just beginning to look and thought that we would just go to a showroom or two for fun. Aubrey and I picked Brady up from school and I knew when we got home that A had a dirty diaper and called Chris ahead of time to ask if he would run her in the house and change her, to which he agreed that he would. I pulled the Honda into the driveway, put it into park (or so I thought) and turned the key and left it in the ignition. I was headed to grab Brady's juice (he was still in his carseat in the back of the car) off of the back of the other car and the Honda began rolling backwards. I ran and half jumped into the car as it rolled down the driveway. As it continued to roll my leg got pulled out of the car and both legs got pulled under the car and run over, as the car ended up in our neighbor's side yard.

Chris was yelling at me the entire time, "Get away from the car!" as he was holding Aubrey, but all I could think about was that my son, my baby was in the backseat of the car and if anything would happen to him, I would not be able to live with myself.

Brady was great and he had no idea what happened to his Mommy. He kept asking me if he could kiss my boo-boos...but I told him he could give me a kiss on the cheek. Chris took me and the kids to MoBap to meet my Dad with the kids to pass them off to him, while Chris took me to the ER (yet again). On the ride to MoBap-I didn't know whether to cry or laugh--so much has happened in the last few months, that I almost found it comical that one more thing could have happened. The techs did x-rays and there were NO FRACTURES in either leg--thank God! They did end up keeping me on Wednesday and Thursday night for pain meds and physical therapy and I got to go home on Friday.  I have had BJC Home Healthcare (since I maxed out my deductible and out-of-pocket) coming out to the house, a nurse came out on Saturday and comes out tomorrow and I will have a physical therapist coming to my house in the next few days. I head to the orthopedist on Friday for a follow-up and to more than likely schedule an MRI to check for ligament damage. I know this is going to be a lengthy recovery process and it is frustrating, but I will get through it with God's and my family's help, support and love.

I have told Chris that I will forever tell Brady that his Mommy saved his life, even if the car ended up on the grass!

If you would like to see my pretty legs-check out the pics below!

Right Leg-yes, those are tire marks!
Left Leg

My lucky turtle-that my Mom thought that I need to carry around with me.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Calm (Before the storm)! :)

It's always nice having weekends without plans, and this weekend was one of those! Aubrey turned eight months old on Friday and girlfriend is getting big and has quite a sassy personality! She has started making this grunting-moaning sound when she is not pleased with the outcome of something and is our little roll-y poly-rolling EVERYWHERE!  We have to be very careful about Brady's toys when they are out, because she will put them in her mouth and she's gagged a few times on the little toys!

Chris was home from Wednesday through Friday with Roto-Rooter virus, and I am so glad that he is better! On Saturday, we decided to go check out the J's other location-which was awesome! They have an indoor mini-waterpark for kids and our brave little man went up the stairs for the water slide and slid down at least five times. After spending a little time in the pool (and I do mean a little time-because it was lightning and thundering outside, they made us get out!), we went to a local deli and then home for nap time.
Saturday night, Chris went and picked up Chevy's for dinner and that was pretty much it. On Sunday morning, we got up and went to church. The sermon was all about "Momentum" and not dwelling on the past-which made me think about all of the times I have dwelled on the past and how God helps us move on in our lives. It was a sermon, that I feel everyone would be able to relate to and learn from and apply to their lives. Steak & Shake (my tummy is still recovering), Wal-Mart and Nordstrom followed and then lots of playing at home!!

So this weekend was definitely the calm before the exciting storm begins!

I feel like we have something going on almost every weekend for the next month and a half-which is another reason why it was nice that we had a weekend off! We are entering a wonderful and exciting time for Nathan and Meg! They are getting married June 9th! This weekend I have a bridal shower that my aunts are having for Meg, that I am so excited to go to--since I wasn't able to attend the one that I helped host due to my sphincterotomy and hospital stay.  Next weekend, Chris and I take off to Chicago for a long weekend retreat away from the kiddos, which I think will be very fun. :) The following weekend is Chris's 33rd birthday weekend and also Meg's St. Louis bachelorette party! The remainder of May will take care of itself with helping my Mom and Dad get ready for the rehearsal dinner, helping Meg with last minute wedding details, Aubrey's smiles and giggles and Brady's final month of school before the fall! This year is flying and it is hard to believe that after a year and a half engagement, that the wedding is almost here! Yay!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rotavirus (aka Roto-Rooter) and Our Easter Bunnies!

Brady had started not feeling well during my last blog post and by not feeling well, I mean that the poor little man could not keep anything in him--it went right through him. It was messy and nasty, but I am glad that I got a lot of snuggle time in with him. On Saturday night, we took him to the pediatric ER just to make sure that he wasn't dehydrated and to confirm that it was in fact Rotavirus. You would have thought that we had brought a well child to the ER with how Brady was bouncing off the walls and he was extremely polite to the nurses, doctor and medical student who came in to listen to him and check him out--telling them all "thank you." Unfortunately with Rotavirus, it's a waiting game and you can't give little ones anything-other than Pedialyte to help restore electrolytes and prepare to change a lot of awful diapers--these were the worst I have ever seen/smelled. THANK GOD he is finally feeling better after five days of it and we are glad to have our sweet, playful Brady back!

Friday night, Chris and I were able to get out of the house for a little while and went to dinner and a movie with Nathan and Meg. The movie was very funny! We saw "American Reunion"-the finale to the "American Pie" series of funny, yet gross flicks. It was really nice having a double date with them, and getting to go out with my hubby! Date nights are few and far between these days and it makes us very excited for our upcoming trip to Chi-town.

Since our little guy was not feeling well, we had to forgo church this Easter weekend. We had big plans of going to church and an Easter egg hunt/BBQ following at church on Saturday, but things don't always work out the way you would like them to work out. On Sunday late morning, we went to my parents for Easter brunch and an egg hunt for B. It was a nice, laid back Easter (spent mostly outside) and we enjoyed a family nap when we got home.

 I don't think that I have mentioned this yet, but Spring is my second favorite season-next to Fall! We have been very lucky this year that our Winter was extremely Spring-like and our Spring has started out beautifully. We have spent at least a little time outside every day and have loved it!

Last night, Chris put up the baby swing on our playground set and we pushed Aubrey in it for the first time and she seemed to get a big kick out it. Brady enjoyed playing soccer and baseball with Chris outside. We were able to get some really cute pics from Chris's phone-since of course my camera battery died just as I was starting to take some shots.

Brady returned to school today and I took Aubrey to the J, while I took a Yoga class. I LOVE IT! I feel incredible after I get out of these classes and Friday I am taking Cardio Ballet Barre! I was supposed to go to it last Friday, but was taking care of a sick kiddo. He's going to school again tomorrow and then I am taking B and A to The Magic House on Friday!!! I am really looking forward to it! :) Talking with a friend, we may take the kids to the zoo next week-depending on how warm it is outside. Alright, I need to go feed Brady and Aubrey (Chris isn't feeling well now--I am hoping that he doesn't have the Roto-Rooter virus!!)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter weekend!!!

May you and your family have a blessed Easter weekend, filled with lots and lots of chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and Peeps!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Here's what's HOP-pening!


Lots of things happening at the Cone house this month! I think the moments of pure sanity are after 11 p.m., when we are all asleep!

Last Saturday we had some wonderful friends over and their kiddos, as my great friend Kayla mentioned the adults were almost out numbered by the kids! It was great seeing everyone and watching the kids play together. They are getting to an age where they can really socialize and play with one another. Sunday morning we got up early and went to church for Palm Sunday! I think Chris and I have found a church that we love for ourselves and for our children, and it just so happens to be where Brady is going to school in the Fall. Brady was a little clingy when we dropped him off at Sunday School, but luckily I had one of his cars in the diaper bag to distract him! It's always nice to go to church when you feel that you can really relate to what they are talking about--which Palm Sunday's sermon was so applicable to the craziness of life lately.
What's going on with Aubrey?

Aubrey is on the go..go..go! She is rolling everywhere and if she takes after her mama, she may go from rolling to cruising to walking (I was such a chunk-I never crawled!) She is ALWAYS hungry and will go through two containers of food a night. I try to make her food on occasion-today for lunch I made her broccoli, cauliflower and pineapple--she was not a fan, but I think it was a little too runny for her. She is still sweet as Sugar! She rolls and she smiles...that's our Aubrey! My guess is in the next month she will be crawling...I'm not ready to think about that though, this first year is flying by!

What's going on with Brady?

Unfortunately, our Boo Bear-Brady is sick today! He never gets sick like this, but he got sick through the night and this morning a few times and has a fever. Hopefully it's just a quick little stomach bug that he has and that Aubrey avoids it. It is interesting to see him get sick and then run over and play with his cars and trains! He's very resilient. :) I told him that he has to call me Nurse Mommy today and he laughed at me. :) Brady's birthday party is all booked for the end of June 24th at The Magic House and I know it will be a good time, since he LOVES that place. It has become almost a weekly family outing that we take B and A to The Magic House! Thank goodness for our family membership. :)

What's up with all of us?

We joined the JCC this week and are so excited about it. We took Brady and Aubrey swimming on our first night as members. I've already taken my first Yoga class and am headed to another one tonight! I love it! I was going to go to spinning this morning, but since B was sick-I've been playing nurse. :) Tomorrow is cardio ballet barre-I am very excited about this one!!! 

On Tuesday night, we dyed Easter eggs-which B loved! 
He still had a tendency to drop the eggs into the glass cups, next year we will use plastic! He enjoyed watching the eggs go from white to pink, red, orange, green, blue and yellow and was amazed. He kept talking about wanting to eat the eggs after they had been dyed, but we knew that he probably wouldn't like them-since he's a pretty picky kiddo.  I actually peeled one for him last night(red-was his choice) and he took one bite and looked at it like what is this?!?!? Aubrey even enjoyed smiling for some pictures and watching her big brother color the eggs. I think next year, when he is almost 4, we will do the white crayon on the egg trick. He really did have a fun time and it is always so fun watching him explore things that are new for him and to see him think through how things work. 

 What about the Mr. and Mrs.?

Chris gets his sutures out tomorrow and should get his results very soon from his biopsies, thank you for the prayers! We're just working on getting back to normal life after having a crazy couple of months!

I am so excited that Chris and I have a little getaway coming up to Chicago, at the end of this month. This is a mini-vacation that was originally scheduled prior to my getting sick and we were lucky that we were able to get a complete refund! We are still trying to think of what we are going to do while we are there. We are talking about going to see the Second City improv group and Jersey Boys, and I'm sure we will go to Shaw's for either brunch or dinner. As much as we LOVE our kiddos, it will be nice to have some time just the two of us for a long weekend away. 

A few notes before I wrap this up!

HOPPY EASTER!! God Bless you all and I hope the bunny treats you well! 

HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY TO BETH & MICHAEL, Chris's sister and brother-in-law, on April 9th! Love you guys!

BUZZ & MEGGIE-Almost down to 2 months! We are so excited to be a part of your special day!! Love you guys and we're looking forward to our double date tomorrow night!

Prayers and love are being sent to Laura Eads, a dear family friend with Stage 2B breast cancer as she prepares to begin treatments. 

Just a random side note, I am watching Bridesmaids for probably the hundredth time (it cracks me up every time!) and Melissa McCarthy cracks me up! I know this was totally random--just needed to say something! :)